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Termin: SEE! Berufe im Profil mit Dr. Pavel Antonov, online 29.03.2025

Eingereicht am: 12.03.2025
Eingereicht von: Megan Nagel

In nur einer Stunde erfährst du von Absolventen:innen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Studiengänge, wie sie erfolgreich in den Berufsfeldern Kultur, Wissenschaft, Politik, Medien, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft Fuß gefasst haben. Diese Gesprächsreihe richtet sich an interessierte Studierende und Promovierende mit einem thematischen Bezug zu Südosteuropa, die einen Einblick in die beruflichen Möglichkeiten in der Region oder zur Region erhalten möchten. Sei dabei und lass dich von ihren Erfahrungen inspirieren!

Dr Pavel Antonov, Co-founder and Executive Editor of the BlueLink Foundation – a civic think-and-action network for Central and Eastern Europe, based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Antonov is also a Board Member of the global Association for Progressive Communication and of the national Tobacco-Control Coalition in Bulgaria. He is the former civil society Advisor to the Minister of Environment and Waters in Sofia, and was the Chief Editor of Green Horizon magazine at the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe in Hungary, which was also published in Turkey as Yesil Ufuklar. As a PhD graduate from the Open University, Milton Keynes (UK), Pavel Antonov leads BlueLink’s applied research of the state of civil society and civic participation in decision making, in the context of increasing corporate grasp of democratic institutions and mass media. Some of his most recent work analyses the engagement of social movements and journalists with issues of collective interest, such as environmental, climate change and tobacco control, and the role of digital communications. Since 2024 he teaches Manipulation at the Milestone Institute in Budapest.

The BlueLink Foundation’s mission is to uphold democracy, European values and nature protection by enhancing civil society coordination, exchange of information and knowledge, particularly by using digital tools.

Fabio Telarico, doctoral researcher at the University of Ljubljana


29.03.2025 @ 14:30 - 15:30




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Rubrik: Bildung, Kalender
Tagesredaktion: Megan Nagel