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Termin: Remembering Through Art Online Exhibition, online, 27.-28.03.25

Eingereicht am: 18.03.2025
Eingereicht von: Sarah Riese / sarahriese@camino-werkstatt.de

Dear all,

On behalf of the NO-OBLIVION Consortium, we are pleased to invite you to the grand opening of “Remembering Through Art” — an online art exhibition that delves into themes of memory, conflict, and justice through powerful testimonies from the former Yugoslavia.

„Promoting Universal Jurisdiction while Evoking the Crimes Committed within the Former Yugoslavia“ (NO-OBLIVION) is a project founded by the European Union, wich aims to reflect on the conflicts and the crimes committed during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, to preserve lessons learned post-war and safeguard a European legacy of human rights, democratic values, rule of law, universal jurisdiction, and peace.

📅 Date: March 27 and 28, 2025
⏰ Time: 13:00 – 16:00 CET
📍 Where: Online (Zoom)
🔗 Registration: Register Here

The event will feature live presentations of selected art pieces, with the artists themselves explaining their creative process. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the meaning and impact of each artwork in an interactive Q&A session. During the event, the four best submissions will also be announced.
Our guest speakers will be the Bosnian-American documentary photographer Dijana Muminović and the Italian photographer Lara Ciarabellini.
We are kindly asking you to support our efforts by participating in and disseminating with your students, partners, network members, members, and visitors this important tribute to memory, conflict, and justice through powerful testimonies from the former Yugoslavia.

Additionally, if you would like to help us reach a wider audience through social media, here are the links to the posts on NO-OBLIVION (and VSE) channels:
To help us spread the word, here are the links to the social media posts on NO-OBLIVION channels:
Facebook: No Oblivion – ✨ We’re thrilled to announce the grand… | Facebook
Instagram: No Oblivion | ✨ We’re thrilled to announce the grand opening of „Remembering Through Art“ — an online exhibition that explores themes of memory,… | Instagram
Or you could share directly the events created on Facebook and LinkedIn:
Facebook: https://fb.me/e/6AVdUW8eF
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/grandopeningof-rememberingthrou7305240589535498240/

Finally, we would greatly appreciate it if you could share with us any relevant contacts, institutions, or organizations to which we could send this invitation. The invitation is open to participants from all EU countries, as well as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, and Ukraine.
Your support disseminating this call will help us inspire a meaningful dialogue celebrating memory and resilience through art.

Thanks for your contribution and we look forward to your participation!

Kind regards,
Sarah Riese and Sarah Vollmer


27.03.2025 @ 13:00 - 28.03.2025 @ 16:00




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Rubrik: Kalender
Tagesredaktion: Nada Arbesmeier