Lernen: Educational bike tour through Lithuania, 26.07.-03.08.2025
We invite young people to experience the history and culture of the Nemunas/Memel region together by bike from 26 July to 03 August 2025!
Who we are looking for:
We are looking for young people who are enthusiastic about the culture and history of the Nemunas/Memel region and would like to discover it together by bike.
What do we offer?
• A circular route from Klaipėda to Klaipėda (approx. 450 kilometres in total) Max. 85 km per day. Attention: We will repeatedly have to cope with difficult road conditions (dirt roads).
• Start: 26.07.2025; End: 03.08.2025
• Extensive cultural programme and a search for traces of the history of the Nemunas/Memel region.
• The participants give small presentations.
• The working language of the trip is English.
• A transport cart for the luggage and breakdowns.
• Participation fees: 175 euros for students (for Lithuanian students: 135 euro); 205 euros for civic education multipliers (for Lithuanians: 175 euro).
• The participation fees include accommodation, full board, bike rental and entrance fees.
• Arrival to Klaipėda and departure from Klaipėda is on your own.
• Age: 18-45 (young people between 18 and 35 as well as multipliers from the field of educational work up to the age of 45 years)
• Registration deadline is 08 April 2025. You will receive an answer within one week.
How to apply?
The deadline for applications is 08 April 2025. Please apply via our GoogleForms (contact details, biographical information, short letter of motivation, own presentation idea etc.; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf49StuZ6z63JkMVuPht0x_8fl96hnAhl8w78ByisYYfsqlbg/viewform?usp=header). You will receive notification about your application by 14 April 2025.
By applying, you agree to the conditions of participation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
The eductional bike tour is a cooperation project of Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. and Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europa. Further cooperation partner is the International Students of History Association (ISHA).
The German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland has indicated that it will provide funding for the project. Further support is requested from Cultural Department for East Prussia and the Baltic States (Kulturreferat für Ostpreußen und das Baltikum) with the funding of The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien).