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CfA: Summer School on Soviet and Nazi German Rule in Ukraine at Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv. 29.06. – 5.07.25

Eingereicht am: 17.03.2025
Eingereicht von: Franziska Kokorsch

Dates: 29 June – 5 July 2025

Location: Mykola Haievoi Center for Modern History, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv

Languages: English, Ukrainian

The Mykola Haievoi Center for Modern History at the Ukrainian Catholic University is pleased to announce a Call for Applications for its Summer School on “Soviet and Nazi German Rule in Ukrainian Territories – Entanglements and Comparisons”. This intensive academic program will take place from 29 June to 5 July 2025 in Lviv, Ukraine.

About the Summer School

The Summer School will explore key historical questions concerning the comparison and entanglements between Soviet and Nazi German rule in Ukrainian territories, with particular attention to Lviv and Western Ukraine from 1939 to the end of the 1940s. Participants will engage in scholarly discussions and examine concrete historical examples of rule, repression, and local responses under both regimes. This topic has gained new relevance in the context of Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine. Russia’s actions represent an attempt to reassert control over former Soviet territories, and its motives are deeply intertwined with the history of the twentieth century. This raises critical questions about how we understand that century and the legacies of its two most murderous, genocidal regimes in Europe: the Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union under Stalin. The Summer School provides a unique opportunity to engage with these historical and contemporary issues.

The program will consist of:

– Lectures by renowned scholars specializing in Soviet and Nazi history, totalitarianism, and Ukrainian history.
– Excursions to historically significant sites in Lviv related to the topic.
– Reading seminars and discussions of key literature and articles.
– Opportunities for participant presentations and project discussions with expert feedback.

The Summer School will be directed by Yaroslav Hrytsak, Oksana Kis, Martin Schulze Wessel (tbc) and Kai Struve.

We invite applications from Master’s and Ph.D. students in history, political science, sociology, and related fields. Ability to follow lectures and to communicate in English is required.

The organizers will cover accommodation, meals (breakfasts and lunches) and travel expenses (up to 80 euros for Ukrainian participants and 200 euros for participants from other countries).

Application Requirements:

Applicants should submit the following documents in PDF format:

– Curriculum Vitae including academic background and relevant research experience
– Letter of Motivation (max. 1 page) explaining your interest in the Summer School and how it aligns with your academic work
– Brief Abstract (max. 300 words) of a current or planned research project related to the theme of the Summer School (if applicable)

Application Deadline:

Applications must be submitted by April 6, 2025.

Selection and Notification:

Successful applicants will be notified by May 4, 2025.

We look forward to welcoming a diverse group of motivated participants and fostering stimulating discussions on the complexities of Soviet and German rule in Ukrainian territories.


Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv
Kozelnytska 2
Lviv, 79026 Ukraine
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Mykola Haievoi Center for Modern History
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Rubrik: Kalender
Tagesredaktion: Nada Arbesmeier