Termin: “Western Responses to Russia’s Threats: An Analysis”, Berlin, 24.01.25
Since 2022, the West introduced a series of sanctions against Moscow in response to Russia’s attack across Ukraine. Sanctions were imposed on the Russian state, state and private companies and Russian citizens. Certain measures are often criticized by the public as insufficient and not consistent enough. The effectiveness of the sanctions is also assessed differently in expert circles. This event aims to analyze and discuss the West’s responses to the ongoing threats from Russia. The focus is on the effectiveness and the political and strategic aspects of the current defense and sanctions measures. Participants will gain in-depth insights into the dynamics of international relations and the challenges arising from the current geopolitical situation.
Keynote speech “The threat from Russia: How can the West defend itself?” – Dr. Dmitri Stratievski, political scientist and historian, chairman of the OEZB
Panel discussion “Sanctions against Russia: How effective are they today?”
Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Bryc, political scientist, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń.
Daniel Szeligowski, Programmkoordinator East Europe, PISM
Natalia Shavshukova, President of the Foundation Fundacja OstMost
Eugeniusz Smolar, political scientist and journalist
Moderation: Christian Zache ((filmmaker and moderator, deputy chairman of the OEZB)
Reception and networking
The conference is in Polish-German-Russian interpretation.
Entry is free.
Please register at info@oez-berlin.de