The Best Article Prize is granted every year to one junior researcher in the field of history, the social sciences, or other humanities. It is intended for persons under 40 years of age.
The author may apply directly or be nominated by a scholar familiar with the author’s research and academic background.
The application should consist of the following documents:
in case of a direct application, a short narrative CV (maximum 1 page), including the applicant’s year of birth, institutional affiliation (if applicable), and current academic status (if applicable);
in case of a nomination by another scholar, a letter of recommendation (maximum 1 page), including relevant personal and academic details of the nominee (see above);
the article/book chapter submitted for consideration. The article/book chapter must have been published in an indexed journal or a collective volume printed by an established publisher, in the year when the application period begins or in the previous calendar year. The text must be written in English, French, German, or Romanian. The length of the article/book chapter must not be less than 4,000 words and should not exceed 12,000 words. In both cases, the word count includes the footnotes, but not the bibliography or the appendices. The article/book chapter must cover a topic within the field of nationalism and/or fascism studies focusing on Romania during a timespan within the period 1866-1947. The article/book chapter should follow a comparative, transnational, inter-ethnic/inter-confessional, gender-related, or otherwise innovative approach.
Applications can be submitted every year during a two-month period beginning on February 1 and ending on March 31. The evaluation committee will consist of three experts in the field. The assessment will be based on the originality and the scholarly quality of the article. The winner of the prize will be notified before 1 May and announced on this website and on social media.
The prize amounts to EUR 300 net.
Please send your applications to
Bewerbungsfrist: 31.3.2025Weiterführende Informationen unter: