CfP: Societal Peace, Diasporas and the War in Ukraine. Bologna 25.-29.08.2025

Eingereicht am: 01.03.2025
Eingereicht von: Regina Heller /

Call for Papers

26 February 2025

Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to submit a paper abstract for a panel on societal peace, diasporas and the war in Ukraine at the upcoming 18th Pan-European Conference on International Relations of the European International Studies Association (EISA), this year entitled: “Politics for a Broken World”, which will take place from 25 to 29 August 2025 in Bologna, Italy:

Below, you find the panel description. If you would like to join the panel, please send your abstract by 8 March 2025 to:

The submission guidelines foresee that paper abstracts should be no longer than 1,800 characters, and paper abstract titles no longer than 150 characters. If you have any co-authors, please provide your and your co-author’s names. In addition, please provide your (and your co-author’s) full affiliation and a contact email.

We are looking forward to receiving your ideas and paper proposals!

Best regards,


Regina Heller
Senior Researcher
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy
at the University of Hamburg (IFSH)
Beim Schlump 83
20144 Hamburg
Phone: +49-40-866077-66


Panel Abstract
Diasporas and the War in Ukraine: Societal Dynamics, Perspectives and Stories about War, Conflict and Peace

This panel draws attention to societal dynamics of, perspectives on and stories about war, conflict and peace, experienced, seen and told by Ukrainian and Russian diasporas. It deals with the question of how these groups experience Russia’s war in Ukraine and its consequences for their lives and imagined futures. Turning an eye to the societal foundations of peace with a particular focus on diasporas makes sense in two respects: Firstly, it helps peace and conflict studies to understand how the war impacts social relations not only in the war zone, but also well beyond. Secondly, societal perspectives and experiential knowledge can potentially provide new and innovative insights into pathways towards a peaceful future of those who are affected by the war.

The panel aims at gathering together papers that offer works on diasporas, societal peace and the war in Ukraine. We invite contributions that address the following questions (additional aspects welcome):
– What is the role of Ukrainian and Russian (speaking) diasporas as transnational agents in the war in Ukraine?
– How is the war in Ukraine de- and re-territorialized? What role do various diasporic groups play? What role do host countries play?
– How can diasporas’ everyday knowledge and experience of war, conflict and peace contribute to advancing our knowledge on the war in Ukraine and its consequences? How can it help enhance conflict transformation?
– What practical and ethical issues do we need to consider when studying Russian and Ukrainian diasporas in the context of the war in Ukraine?

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Rubrik: Uncategorized
Tagesredaktion: Megan Nagel